InputMerger and ArrayCreatingInputMerger with WorkManager
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InputMerger and ArrayCreatingInputMerger with WorkManager

In the last article, we discussed how we can set input and output data with WorkManager API. (If you haven’t read the previous article I highly recommended you to read before proceeding.)  In this article, we’re going to learn how we can convert multiple output results into one input using InputMerger. I also wrote a pretty…

ViewModel – Android Architecture Component
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ViewModel – Android Architecture Component

Couple of years ago, when I’m studying at my University. We have given the assignment to make a color changer app. The app is very basic where we have only one button and when a user clicks the button it changes its background color. So like I said, the app is very basic and I’ve made…

Setting Input Data And Output Data With WorkManager
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Setting Input Data And Output Data With WorkManager

When working with WorkManager you may need to pass the argument for your task and also need some result to return. To pass the arguments to a task you need to setInputData to when creating the WorkRequest object.  The input data method takes a Data object. Note: By the way, I wrote a pretty good…

Android ktx with Example Part 3 – Android ktx – Core ktx
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Android ktx with Example Part 3 – Android ktx – Core ktx

This is the third and last part of Android ktx tutorial. In this part, we’re gonna explore the core ktx library extension functions. The core ktx have so much cool extension function which makes the Android coding much concise, simple and idiomatic. The core ktx currently cover some of the most used classes in Android…

Android ktx with Example Part 2- ViewModel Lifecycle ktx-Work Runtime ktx
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Android ktx with Example Part 2- ViewModel Lifecycle ktx-Work Runtime ktx

This is the second part of android ktx tutorial. I hope you guy has seen my previous blog in which I briefly explain about fragment ktx, palette ktx, SQLite ktx and collection ktx extension functions. So in this blog, I’m gonna explain how we can use the extension function exists in ViewModel ktx and work-runtime…

Android ktx with example – Fragment | Palette | Collection | SQLite
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Android ktx with example – Fragment | Palette | Collection | SQLite

If you’re developing an Android application with Kotlin, then I have good news for you. Recently Google released an Android ktx library, which is a set of Kotlin Extension function. Android ktx is a part of Jetpack family. The purpose of Android ktx is to write less code and more concise. Android ktx brings us…

Flutter Future Builder With Pagination
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Flutter Future Builder With Pagination

As a mobile developer, I started my journey as an Android Developer and I really liked it. After that, I learned  IOS and get frustrated because I need to do the same thing twice to maintain the same features. So, I kind of like hating myself and always find ways to share more code among those apps. Then…

AutoSize TextView Android
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AutoSize TextView Android

Finally, Android O support library got this feature covered. Material design recommends using a dynamic type instead of smaller type sizes or truncating larger size text. A TextView that automatically resize the text, expand and fill its layout based on the text view characteristics and boundaries. These characteristics make it easier to optimize the text size…

Android Paging Library With Example
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Android Paging Library With Example

Hello, guys today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Paging. In this blog, I try to explain the different components of the library and tell how they interact. Paging library makes it easier to load data gradually and gracefully in your app. The paging library supports both large bounded list…