Setting Input Data And Output Data With WorkManager
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Setting Input Data And Output Data With WorkManager

When working with WorkManager you may need to pass the argument for your task and also need some result to return. To pass the arguments to a task you need to setInputData to when creating the WorkRequest object.  The input data method takes a Data object. Note: By the way, I wrote a pretty good…

Android ktx with Example Part 2- ViewModel Lifecycle ktx-Work Runtime ktx
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Android ktx with Example Part 2- ViewModel Lifecycle ktx-Work Runtime ktx

This is the second part of android ktx tutorial. I hope you guy has seen my previous blog in which I briefly explain about fragment ktx, palette ktx, SQLite ktx and collection ktx extension functions. So in this blog, I’m gonna explain how we can use the extension function exists in ViewModel ktx and work-runtime…