Search Results for: ViewModel Live Data Architecture Component

Android Room Persistence With LiveData
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Android Room Persistence With LiveData

Previously in our Room persistence article, we’ve discussed what are the basics of Room and how to simply work with it. Also, we’ve made a book library app using the Room persistence basic components. (If you haven’t read the previous article, I highly recommend you read it before proceeding it.) In this article, we’re gonna…

Android LiveData With Example
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Android LiveData With Example

Today I wanna tell you about a few solutions that have been developed. Solutions for problems that I think all of us as a developer have been trying to solve again and again in every project. So, let’s say that I want to perform actions in response to changes in lifecycle status of Android Component….

ViewModel – Android Architecture Component
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ViewModel – Android Architecture Component

Couple of years ago, when I’m studying at my University. We have given the assignment to make a color changer app. The app is very basic where we have only one button and when a user clicks the button it changes its background color. So like I said, the app is very basic and I’ve made…

Everything you need to know about using Google Maps in Cab Booking App (Part 1)
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Everything you need to know about using Google Maps in Cab Booking App (Part 1)

Hey, Android Developers! I would like to share my experience with you guys when I got to make Cab booking application. I learn a lot during the development of this application. The following are the features which we’re going to discuss in this article: Show GoogleMaps. Animate multiples marker simultaneously on GoogleMaps. Calculate the distance…