Android Room Persistence With LiveData
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Android Room Persistence With LiveData

Previously in our Room persistence article, we’ve discussed what are the basics of Room and how to simply work with it. Also, we’ve made a book library app using the Room persistence basic components. (If you haven’t read the previous article, I highly recommend you read it before proceeding it.) In this article, we’re gonna…

Android Room Persistent And RxJava2
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Android Room Persistent And RxJava2

We all want to make our app reactive, less boilerplate code, the power of asynchronous and observable queries. The good news is Room library supports async queries which return LiveData or RxJava2 observable types. The LiveData and Observables allow you to get an automatic update whenever the data changes. Now let’s say we need to read all…

Android Room Persistence Example
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Android Room Persistence Example

Today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Room. The room is basically a “Persistence library that provides an abstraction over SQLite“. The room is a new way to create the database in your Android apps. Although the Android framework provides built-in support for SQLite database, there are many drawbacks working with SQLite….