Android Paging Library With Example
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Android Paging Library With Example

Hello, guys today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Paging. In this blog, I try to explain the different components of the library and tell how they interact. Paging library makes it easier to load data gradually and gracefully in your app. The paging library supports both large bounded list…

Android Room Persistence Example
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Android Room Persistence Example

Today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Room. The room is basically a “Persistence library that provides an abstraction over SQLite“. The room is a new way to create the database in your Android apps. Although the Android framework provides built-in support for SQLite database, there are many drawbacks working with SQLite….

Dagger With Retrofit And RxJava Example | RecyclerView
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Dagger With Retrofit And RxJava Example | RecyclerView

This is the third part of Dagger with Retrofit tutorial. In this part, we’re going to make our network request with RxJava and simply show data in RecyclerView. Note: I strongly recommend you to see my previous blogs this series. If you haven’t seen my previous blogs, then I’m afraid you will not understand. So, without further ado…

Dagger with Retrofit Example – Using Dependency Injection in Activity
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Dagger with Retrofit Example – Using Dependency Injection in Activity

This is the second part of Dagger with Retrofit tutorial. In the first part, we’ve achieved the hard part of how to set up dependency injection. In this article, we’re gonna see how we can use the dependencies in our Activity. So, let’s begin with adding Dagger to our Activity. Below is the MainActivity. @Override protected void…

Dagger with Retrofit Example – Set up Dependency Injection
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Dagger with Retrofit Example – Set up Dependency Injection

 Today, we’re going to learn about Dagger 2. Dagger 2, first of all, is really an annotation processor or just the code generator. Many of the people seem to think that Dagger 2 is how you do dependency injection, actually, it’s not. It is just a boilerplate code generator and dependency injection is something…