Car Location Tracking Android App With Firebase Tutorial | Part 2
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Car Location Tracking Android App With Firebase Tutorial | Part 2

This is the second part of the location tracking tutorial. I hope you guy’s have seen my previous article in which we’ve developed the Driver App. In this tutorial, we’re going to develop the Passenger App. Here, we are not going to do the same work which we’ve done in the previous article like creating…

Car Location Tracking Android App With Firebase Tutorial
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Car Location Tracking Android App With Firebase Tutorial

In this tutorial, we’re building a car location tracking app like Careem and Uber. Although we’re not developing complete apps like Uber and Careem. But we’ll see how to online a driver and show the online driver in the passenger app and update the driver whenever its current location changed. For online and offline the…

Debugging Realtime Database Performance with Firebase Database Profiler
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Debugging Realtime Database Performance with Firebase Database Profiler

Firebase Real-time database is built to handle high data traffic apps, but if you don’t architect your data properly you can run into problems such as slow queries, high database load and most of all expensive bandwidth. So happily, the Firebase developers built us a Database Profiler (firebase profiling) which helps us to understand what’s…

Android Room Persistence With LiveData
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Android Room Persistence With LiveData

Previously in our Room persistence article, we’ve discussed what are the basics of Room and how to simply work with it. Also, we’ve made a book library app using the Room persistence basic components. (If you haven’t read the previous article, I highly recommend you read it before proceeding it.) In this article, we’re gonna…

Android LiveData Transformation With Example | Map And SwicthMap
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Android LiveData Transformation With Example | Map And SwicthMap

In this article, we’re going to explore the Transformations of LiveData. Sometime there may be a case where you want to changes in the LiveData value before dispatching it to the Observer or you may need to return different LiveData based on some condition. Here comes the concept of Transformations. In the last article, we’ve…

Android LiveData With Example
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Android LiveData With Example

Today I wanna tell you about a few solutions that have been developed. Solutions for problems that I think all of us as a developer have been trying to solve again and again in every project. So, let’s say that I want to perform actions in response to changes in lifecycle status of Android Component….

Why Developer Needs To More Concern For Background Process When Targeting Android P
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Why Developer Needs To More Concern For Background Process When Targeting Android P

We all want good power efficiency right..? Like batteries that last a long time. We want to build really cool apps and we do not want the user to manage between these things. Like do I want to build cool apps, or do I want power efficiency. It’s terrifically difficult to make that choice. So,…

Chaining Worker With Android WorkManager
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Chaining Worker With Android WorkManager

Chaining the Worker is the most attractive features of WorkManager. With the work manager, we can easily chain multiple workers together and the run workers in a particular order. I’ve written some pretty good articles on WorkManager before. In these articles, I briefly explain how to use the work manager, setting input and output data,…

Android Room Persistent And RxJava2
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Android Room Persistent And RxJava2

We all want to make our app reactive, less boilerplate code, the power of asynchronous and observable queries. The good news is Room library supports async queries which return LiveData or RxJava2 observable types. The LiveData and Observables allow you to get an automatic update whenever the data changes. Now let’s say we need to read all…