Testing Different Methods of Launching Android Activities In Kotlin

Testing Different Methods of Launching Android Activities In Kotlin

I learned the 😓 hard way: There should be better ways to launch the Kotlin Android activities. Passing extra’s data via intent for serialization, and de-serialization on target Activity. So, I have read a lot of articles and gather a couple of cool ways to launch Android activities. Launching activities in android app is a…

Android Cab Booking App Tutorial Part 3
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Android Cab Booking App Tutorial Part 3

This story is the third part of our Android Cab Booking App tutorial If you didn’t read the previous ones you can start here. Previously In Android Cab Booking App In the previous article, we discussed how to read the online-drivers from Firebase Realtime Database, create the data structure for Drivers and animate multiples markers on Google Maps….

Android Cab Booking App Tutorial Part 2
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Android Cab Booking App Tutorial Part 2

This article is the second part of the series, Frisbee an Android cab booking app tutorial. If you did not read the previous one, you can start here. Previously in Android cab booking App In the previous pit stop, we had our discussion on GoogleMaps, Marker Animation and on Reverse Geocode. We learned how to show GoogleMaps,…

Everything you need to know about using Google Maps in Cab Booking App (Part 1)
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Everything you need to know about using Google Maps in Cab Booking App (Part 1)

Hey, Android Developers! I would like to share my experience with you guys when I got to make Cab booking application. I learn a lot during the development of this application. The following are the features which we’re going to discuss in this article: Show GoogleMaps. Animate multiples marker simultaneously on GoogleMaps. Calculate the distance…

Deep Dive Into Kotlin Conventions | Get | Set | In | RangeTo

Deep Dive Into Kotlin Conventions | Get | Set | In | RangeTo

We all know, Kotlin use the principle of a convention, instead of relying on types of  Java does, because this allows developers to adapt existing Java classes to the requirement of Kotlin language features. The set of interfaces implemented by a class is fixed, and Kotlin can’t modify an existing class so that it would implement additional interfaces. What…

Playing With Kotlin Coroutines For Best Practices | Example
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Playing With Kotlin Coroutines For Best Practices | Example

There are so many articles and talks out there which focused on what Kotlin Coroutines are and why, conceptually, they are useful. So, in this article, we’re not gonna see what Coroutines are instead of seeing some practical examples of how to use them…? Theory without practice is empty; practice without theory is blind. 1….

RecyclerView Loading With Facebook Shimmer Effect Android Example
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RecyclerView Loading With Facebook Shimmer Effect Android Example

As an Android user and developer, I am always attracted to great apps with nice and meaningful animations. To me, such apps not only deliver great features to make their user life easier but also their experience to the next level from the team behind them. I often really like those animation and also try…

Canceling Nested Kotlin Coroutines With CoroutineScope
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Canceling Nested Kotlin Coroutines With CoroutineScope

Coroutines are one of the 😍 nicest language features in Kotlin. They provide a rather headache-free way to use the power of concurrency in your Kotlin program. I was very excited when I started playing around with them but eventually came across a problem: what if you have nested coroutines (like a parent-child coroutine). For instance,…

Improving App Network Architecture With Retrofit And Kotlin Coroutine Call Adapter
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Improving App Network Architecture With Retrofit And Kotlin Coroutine Call Adapter

Almost in every Android mobile application, we have to deal with network calls and most of the time we end up using Retrofit. No doubt Retrofit is our favorite library when it comes to networking. Kotlin and now coroutine has made Networking on Android even easier than before. I’ve recently listened to this talk by…

Explore How Kotlin Coroutine Works Under The Hood
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Explore How Kotlin Coroutine Works Under The Hood

In the 🔥 hype of async programming, everyone is talking about Kotlin Coroutine. I know there are so much great articles on how to work with kotlin coroutines that’s why we gonna dive deep and see how the coroutines work under the hood. Kotlin Coroutine is a great and powerful language feature that’s why I think intro on the…