Android Paging Library With Example
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Android Paging Library With Example

Hello, guys today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Paging. In this blog, I try to explain the different components of the library and tell how they interact. Paging library makes it easier to load data gradually and gracefully in your app. The paging library supports both large bounded list…

Android Room Persistence Example
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Android Room Persistence Example

Today we’re gonna look out a new Android Architecture Component library called Room. The room is basically a “Persistence library that provides an abstraction over SQLite“. The room is a new way to create the database in your Android apps. Although the Android framework provides built-in support for SQLite database, there are many drawbacks working with SQLite….

Android WorkManager Example
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Android WorkManager Example

Hi, guys today I’m gonna talked to you about a new library Google released is WorkManager. WorkManager is a part of AndroidJetpack and an Architecture Component for a background work. WorkManager chooses an appropriate way to schedule a background task depending on the device API level and including dependencies. It might use JobScheduler, Firebase JobDispatcher, or AlarmManager. …

Online Offline Audio Streaming With ExoPlayer
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Online Offline Audio Streaming With ExoPlayer

Recently I’ve been working on a media player application in my previous freelancing project. The application includes so much online, offline audio and video streaming. So, I tried to use Android framework classes such as MediaPlayer and AudioPlayer to play media files. As it turned out after so many hours of frustration, MediaPlayer sends out weird exceptions and  I…

Android Example : Animate marker on Google map with current location
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Android Example : Animate marker on Google map with current location

Hi, guys today we’re going to see how we can animate marker on google map with user current location. In this blog, we’re going to use the Google Map API for google maps. I’m not going to show how you can get Google Map API from Google Console. If you want to see how to…

Android Download Manager Example
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Android Download Manager Example

Hey guy’s, today we’re going to learn how can we download a file, mp3, ppt or image from the internet with DownloadManager. Downloading a file from the internet is a basic need of the app right. So, with DownloadManager it’s very easy. DownloadManager is an android system service that handles long-running HTTP downloads. Apps request for downloads…

Current Location With Google Map Street View Android
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Current Location With Google Map Street View Android

Hey guy’s, today we’re going to learn how we can show the current location of the user on GoogleMapStreetView. I’m going to reuse the code from my previous blog => Android Google Map Street View Example. The previous Article was about how to show GoogleMapStreetView in Android app. In this blog, we’re not going to set up Google Map Console…

Android Google Map Street View Example
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Android Google Map Street View Example

Hey, today we’re going to learn how we can integrate Google Map Street View into our Android app. Google Street View provides panoramic 360* views. The coverage available through the Google Map Android API v2 is the same as that for Google Map. You can read more about Street View here. Google Map Setup  First, sign…