Reasons For The Popularity Of PHP Scripting Language

Reasons For The Popularity Of PHP Scripting Language

According to web developers, PHP is a multipurpose scripting language that was designed for web development. It is used to enhance web pages. It was developed in 1994 but now, about 82.4% of all websites with known server-side programming language have at least one element of PHP in their codes. Many web developers now make…

Laravel 6 Stripe Payment Integration Tutorial

Laravel 6 Stripe Payment Integration Tutorial

Stripe is the best software platform for running an internet business. Stripe builds the most powerful and flexible tools for internet commerce. Whether you’re creating a subscription service, an on-demand marketplace, an e-commerce store, or a crowdfunding platform, Stripe’s meticulously designed APIs and unmatched functionality help you create the best possible product for your users….

OOP in PHP – Inheritance | Encapsulation | Abstraction | Polymorphism

OOP in PHP – Inheritance | Encapsulation | Abstraction | Polymorphism

Before starting this tutorial, please make sure that you have read the Part I of this series. Let’s move further. Here’s another important OOP concept. Inheritance Inheritance is one of the most important aspects of OOP. It allows a class to inherit members from another class. One of the main advantages of object-oriented programming is…

Learn Object Oriented Programming in PHP – OOP Tutorial

Learn Object Oriented Programming in PHP – OOP Tutorial

In this article series, we are going to learn Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in PHP. Pre-requisites In order to follow this article, you must have some basic knowledge of PHP. Your favorite text editor installed. You must have one of the web server solution stack installed like XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP or any other. Most of…

CRUD Operations Web App using PHP & MySQL | Part 2
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CRUD Operations Web App using PHP & MySQL | Part 2

This is the 2nd part of the CRUD Operations Tutorial & the 3rd part of the PHP Web Application Tutorial series. If you missed previous parts, then you can find here => Getting Started with Web Application using PHP & MySQL | Tutorials I’m assuming that you have followed the previous part of this Tutorial &…

CRUD Operations using PHP & MySQL | Tutorials with Source Code
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CRUD Operations using PHP & MySQL | Tutorials with Source Code

Yes, I’d say a large percentage of most applications I’ve worked on is basic CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Especially In any Web Application, you need to repeat the CRUD Operations for every object in your system. For creating beautiful & responsive UI, I’m using AdminLTE Template. So, In case if you missed the first part of this…

Getting Started with Web Application using PHP & MySQL | Tutorials

Getting Started with Web Application using PHP & MySQL | Tutorials

PHP is a programming language used to create dynamic contents with the database. Basically, PHP is used to develop Web Applications. In this Tutorial, we’re going to Develop a very simple Web Application & we’ll add features in our application in next parts of the tutorial. Here’s the Table of Content for this Tutorial series….

Android Image Upload Example using PHP with Source Code
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Android Image Upload Example using PHP with Source Code

While learning Android, most of the developers find it difficult to upload an Image to Server from Android App using PHP Webservice as server-side. Sometimes you do nothing wrong in Android Code but Image doesn’t upload to the server. Sometimes you do not follow the same method to receive Image on the server as android application sending…